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Samuel B

Samuel B

Hello! I am Samuel, and I am tutoring Economics, Mathematics! I am in my first year studying towards a BCom majoring in Finance and Economics.I am doing some 200 level Economics courses due to I have already done ECON 199, and it is one of my three major passions.

I completed NCEA level 3 Economics, Statistics and Calculus with Merit, although I did achieve level 2 Mathematics with Excellence, and Economics with merit. I also successfully got Scholarship Economics, with a relatively high mark (17). I have participated in many events at high school, such as the RBNZ Monetary Policy Challenge, DELF exams and the Silver CREST.

My hobbies include reading non fiction, online quiz sites and learning about different cultures. I specifically am interested in History and Economics, and also enjoy mountain biking. I am very friendly and I am looking forward to working with you, even if it requires going through questions I had in my exams! 

I hope to be working for you soon!

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