Hey! I'm Simon and am a tutor in Physics, English, and all sorts of Maths. I've just started at the University of Canterbury working towards a degree in software engineering.
I graduated from Burnside High School in 2019, gaining excellence endorsements over each level of NCEA. As well as this I also completed Cambridge A levels in Pure Mathematics and Statistics, and in my last year of high school took the first year Maths papers at the University of Canterbury.
Outside of any academic stuff I've always loved playing sports and any physical activities, with basketball being my main focus. As well as that, I love the arts and all things creative. I have a soft spot for drawing and painting and love playing music. Another of my favourite hobbies is game design, ask me about what I've created!
Knowing what it's like to not understand things in school, I look forward to helping students through their learning to achieve their best.
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