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Social Studies Tutoring

One-on-one Social Studies Tuition in Christchurch



Why Social Studies Tuition with AHeadStart?


  • Personalised Social Studies tutoring in Christchurch - one-on-one or in small groups
  • Social Studies tuition - for secondary (Year 9, Year 10, NCEA, Cambridge & IB) students
  • Expert Social Studies tutors - high achieving, excellent communicators with a passion for learning
  • Choice of Social Studies tuition plans - select your desired level of guidance, including progress reports
  • Convenient Christchurch locations - private home tutoring or at a convenient local library

Contact us for a FREE consultation

About Social Studies

The study of various aspects or branches of the study of human society.



Social Studies

Social Studies, also known as Social Science, is about people and their behaviour; how humans think, feel and act, how humans interact with each other, and how they meet their needs and organise their life. 

Social Studies helps students think about their own personal and social development, and about how they participate as a citizen in our constantly changing society. Students learn to do this by analysing human behaviour objectively, so they can create their own set of moral values. This helps students to make reasoned choices, and apply their knowledge to the welfare of mankind. Strong emphasis is placed on values exploration, social skills, enquiry skills, problem solving skills, and good work habits.

Social Studies is taken by all students in Years 9 & 10, where it can lead to NCEA subjects of Business, Geograph, History, Art History and, of course,  Social Studies.

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NCEA Social Studies

Level 1
This course covers the study of how cultures change, and the consequences this can lead to, as well as investigation into social justice and human rights, including at a personal level.

Level 2
This course addresses the study of conflicts that can arise between cultures due to differences in cultural beliefs and ideas, as well as how cultural conflicts can be addressed. Also covered is the concept of social actions that communities or nations can use to meet their responsibilities and excerise human rights, including at a personal level.

Level 3
This course looks at understanding how ideologies shape society, particulalry around a particular issue. Carrying from Level 2, campaigns of social action to influence policy changes are examined, including at a personal level.


Our Social Studies Tutors



Social Studies Resources


All of the following book resources can be purchased at leading bookshops or the following websites:

ESA Publications Store:



Level 1, 2 & 3
ESA Business Enterprise and Innovation Learning Workbook
ESA Cultural Interaction Learning Workbook
ESA Economics Decisions Learning Workbook
ESA Human Rights Learning Workbook
​ESA Movement of People Learning Workbook
ESA People in the Past Learning Workbook
ESA Resources & Sustainability Learning Workbook
ESA Systems of Government Learning Workbook
ESA Treaty of Waitangi - Te Tiriti o Waitangi Learning Workbook

Nelson Cengage Social Studies Skills Book 1
Nelson Cengage Social Studies Skills Book 2

Pearson Freedom: Towards Human Rights and Social Justice
Pearson Future Focus: Sustainability, Citizenship, Enterprise and Globalisation